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How to read the message from the First Ladies

How to read the message from the First Ladies

Americans and their traditions: In the same country of the world, the United States is so well decorated, like other states of the United States. At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the official address of Weißen Hauses is already available. At a length of 51 meters, a length of 26 meters and a spacing of 132 meters (35 days of bathing in a bath) you can ensure that the device is warm. Sorry, “Frau” can be austere. This is the latest decoration of the First Lady jewelry.

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The Weihnachts celebration at the beginning of a private life of the presidential family, it is the decoration of the Weihnachts in the Weihnachts house which is also a festive event. It is still a matter of time before it is personal. Where was the theme man in the Fokus? Were you going to be a Schmücken mit ein? What is the old Geld gibt man aus, or the old bereits bestehende Dekorationselemente verwendet man? What if a tribute was paid, or if someone could do it? Denn also die Weihnachtsdekoration kommt nicht ohne Politik aus.

Decorations on the third day of the First Ladies

We are going to see one of the first three ladies génauer an. It’s evil Jill Biden, the bat, when we are still in timein the White House, she plays Melania Trump and dies for the love of Michelle Obama. Their men are fleeing the Wahlkampf with Obamacare, the Mauer berühmten zu Mexiko and a big climate package. First Ladies do not have time to engage with official and social engagements in the assault rifle, but also with light bags and construction toys.

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Gerade rund um Weihnachten man sich als First Family nahbar, traditionsbewusst et sympathissch zeigen. And when it comes to things, the president’s office is in der Öffentlichkeit steht. Natural protection? Decorated with rock-net fruit. Inclusion? Ornamente erstellt von Menschen mit Behinderung. Nationalstolz? Light ganz: geschmückt in massenhaft blue, white and rot.

Michelle Obama (2009 – 2016): Herzlich, familiar, nahbar

Barack Obama’s Wahl was not the first African-American president in the White House, but also the former African-American First Lady and two young daughters. Bei Amtsantritt waren die Präidententöchter Malia et Sasha elf et acht Jahre alt. There is no one who knows what happened to Michelle Obama. This is why we are committed to ensuring that one of the harms caused by a serious epidemic occurs for the health care and protection of children. Pay attention to the Western War in your military region – better military family management. Barack Obama has already begun to adopt the Military Family Action Plan as a national priority.

Wer jetzt aber an Baumkugeln in Camouflage et Lametta in Tarnfarben denkt, liegt falsch. In 2011, we were decorating under the motto “Shine, Give, Share” a complete set of greeting cards, the mitglieder von Soldatenfamilien gestaltet hatten. In 2013 this decoration was carried out, this evil in the form of its Heimatstaaten and under the motto “Gather together: stories of the season”. 2014 became children’s with the theme “A winter wonderland for children” in focus. Zum Bestaunen gab es mitunter überlebensgroße Figuren der Obama-Hunde Bo et Sunny, die aus 1000 Yard (etwa 914 Meter) Schleifenband and the Baum wurde mit Dekoelementen geschmückt, die aus den Seiten von Malbüchern stammten.

I let Barack Obama’s Amtsjahr take photos of the family on the territory of the State auf den Baumornamenten, so that they would look to the stars like the Landwirte and the Soldiers. Auf den festlichen Girlanden waren Auszüge aus der amerikanischen Verfassung zu lisen. You can’t speculate, because a short day in January passed under the leadership of Donald Trump in his magazine.

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First Lady Michelle Obama presents the 2009 Christmas decoration in a turquoise dress.

First Lady Michelle Obama presents the 2009 Christmas decoration in a turquoise dress.

Melania Trump is always the background for Donald Trump, often also in an attempt for him. A glamour, a reserved person, an aura of umgibt luxury. Your entire couture-brautkleid from Christian Dior, if it is in the current era, has a value of $125,000 and is gilded like one of the teuersten brautkleider der geschichte. And Melania Trump appeared as Mutter. Their most frequent relationships are addressed to you, because their ladies elfjähriger Sohn Barron have their highest priority. If you engage in cybermobbing, people on the board are now positive and negative for using social media aufmerksam zu machen. The Allerdings bleibt das Gefühl von schönem Schein, beschäftigte sich doch häufig mit ihren eigenen Produktlinien von Schmuck bis Hautpflege. Gerade this Besonderheit sorgte für deutlich aufmerksamkeitsstärkere Weihnachtsdekoration. Melania Trump adopted the White House in a Glamor update.

2017 erstrahlten die zimmer and Flure in allen Nuancen von Weiß und zahlreichen Glasornamenten. A regelrechtes Winterwunderland, real German law and the decoration of Laura Bush in January 2004 has arrived. (Discussions are not yet in Social Media Culture, but now they are on Facebook first and they have started.) When the Meterhohen, there are two stories with “Harry Potter” or the “Chroniken of Narnia” verglichen, they are the same. nights – until a moment with grell kaltweißem Licht angestrahlt – it is a horror film, “Silent Hill” which wages war on a major association.

I have been recommending for a year that Trump be in the Rot et Blau traditions, when he is not opulent. So that the Säulengang in der Eingangshalle sorgte mit roten, stilisierten Tannenbaum-Formschnitten für Spott in den sozialen Netzwerken. Schnell kamen Vergleiche zu Bürsten von Waschanlagen, den Roben aus “The Handmaid’s Tail” ou de la bühmten Blutflut aus Stephen Kings “Shining” auf. Kaum ein Wunder, wurde ihre Dekoration in den kommenden two years weniger spektakulär and somit weniger angreifbar, wenn also in kleinerem Rahmen avantgardistisch. It’s beautiful jedoch bei patriotischem Blau und Rot.

In the world of Prunk and Glamor creators, Melania Trump is also a key role model. Sie wusste, wie man un Show inszeniert et für Aufsehen sorgt. As is the case in the White House, there is no roten cooking manual, you have to learn in a schmerzlich way. The thematic writings of the time, such as that of the Feder, within the framework of the Gatten, come from the tradition and type of Trump “America first” – Haltung: “Honored Traditions” (2017), “Treasures Americans” (2018), “The Spirit of America” (2019) and “America the Beautiful” (2020).

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The interior design is just as extravagant as First Lady Melania Trump herself, but it's as extravagant as the first lady of the United States.

The interior design is just as extravagant as First Lady Melania Trump herself, but it’s as extravagant as the first lady of the United States.

Jill Biden (2021 – 2024): Fröhlich, gemeinschaftlich, überraschend

Jill Biden, the second lady, and many plans were implemented for the Obama-Ära war. Besons verband die beiden First Ladies das Engagement für Militärfamilien. And the young woman lags behind Biden for Herzen, as does growth research. In 2015, the Bidens chose Son Beau im Alter von 30 Jahren an die Krankheit verloren. Auf politischer und gesellschaftlicher Bühne kannte sich Jill Biden bestens on et wirkte meist fröhlich et unbekümmert. Das machte sich aussi in der Weihnachtsdeko bemerkbar.

Under the mottos “Gifts from the Heart” (2021), “We the People” (2022), “Magic, Wonder and Joy” (2023) and “A Season of Peace and Light” (2024) await you all and nichts vorstellen. This was precisely what the glorified idea of ​​America said: the glorified idea of ​​America stood before Jill Biden, no more than the man and the wonder of the Weihnacht at the Mittelpunkt.

Your decoration without danger is a man who has a conservative and kitschig ansiedeln zwischen vision. Glänzte ein Großteil des Anwesens mit viel natürlichem Tannengrün, hellen farbenfrohen Tönen et strahlenden Lichtern, wird man immer wieder wieder überrascht. This is a gigantic bed of rentiers on the Eingangstür, a Vintage-Zug, the seine Runden um den gros Tannenbaum straight, a Säulengang voller Zuckerstangen or a quietschbuntes Kinderkarussell, das sogar Alice im Wunderland neidisch gemacht hätte.

Genauso finds sich über die Jahre auch zahlreiche Friedenstauben in Jill Biden’s decorations wider. The man who deals with political news, as long as the First Lady’s love is faithful, is the nachvollziehbar. The Bidens head to the Capitol Tower as the Corona pandemic approaches in the White House, through the climate battle, dealing with the dawn of the Krieges in Ukraine, the retreat of the Ereignisse in the Nahen Osten region and in their own country. Gleich im ersten Jahr lie Biden ein schimmerndes Banner mit all of the names of the American States anfertigen, das daran erinnern sollte, wie wichtig Einheit et national Harmonie seien.

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Of the mottos you can hear from people, from Biden to the Innehalten or Reflektieren anhalten wollte – wahrnehmen from people who were all the same (manchmal old and was zu) kitschig anmutenden Dekorationen, die aber immerhin dieses kindliche Gefühl von Weihnachtsfreude mit sich brachten.

First Lady Jill Biden looked forward to decorating the White House for the 2024 holiday season under the motto “A Season of Peace and Light.”".

First Lady Jill Biden excited holiday decorating in the White House for 2024 under the motto “A Season of Peace and Light.”

And why isn’t the First Lady so bad? It is possible to draw…

Letztlich kann man wohl attestieren, dass die Weihnachtdekoration im Weißen Haus viel more ist, als nur Deko. It is a reflection of the first lady of jewelry: her personal spirit, her environment, her social commitments and naturally also her political ideas and her political ideas – which are the same in the fall of certain presidents. It’s the Frage, which is not very schmückt, kaum zu beantworten. It’s just a little extra for looks and aesthetics.

So, if Americans are ornaments and girls, the Patricia Nixon of the White House will attend an “open house” and for the organization of after-work tours, Betty Ford is not near the booth assistance to women. , sondern We have a travel agency at the level of Secondhand and Selbstgebasteltes setzte, from Claudia “Lady Bird” Johnson who is interested in nature and environmental protection, or from Rosalynn Carter a woman worried about men with people behind the hat and special tours. Anbot oder sie die Ornamente für den Weihnachtsbaum gestalten ließ.

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In 2025, Melania Trump is a new Gelegenheit, the American of her style and her values. In an American magazine Promi-Magazinen specializing in the presentation of Insider, Trump launches into the decoration of the New Year’s theme. Ob das aber in besonders opulenter and traditionaleller Form sein wird oder ganz im Gegenteil noch more Avantgarde, the werden wir wohl im nächsten Jahr sehen.