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The American NGO Fews Net zieht zu Hungersnot à Nordgaza zurück – News

The American NGO Fews Net zieht zu Hungersnot à Nordgaza zurück – News

An American organization, the fight against world hunger, directed this woman to Nordgaza. Darin warnte die Organisation, dass den Menschen dort unmittelbar eine Hungersnot drohe. An overview on the position zurückgezogenen Bericht.

Susanne Brunner

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Susanne Brunner went to war with the SRF twice in 2018 and 2022 as a correspondent in Nahen Osten tätig. This happens in Canada, Scotland, Germany and Switzerland. In Ottawa, I study journalism. Bei Radio SRF war est zuerst Redaktorin et Moderatorin bei SRF 3. Dann ging sie als Correspondentinach San Francisco et war nach ihrer Rückkehr Correspondentin in der Westschweiz. You will be informed of the “Tagesgespräch” of Radio SRF 1. Since September 2022, you will find reading the official editorial of Radio SRF.

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Is it in dem nonn zurückgezogenen Bericht?

Nordgaza drohe eine akute Hungersnot, wenn nicht sehr bald sehr viel mehr Nahrungsmittel die Menschen dort erreichen würden. The organization “Fews Net” – created for the “Famine Early Warning Systems Network” – was established in 1985 in the United States as a global warning system for global hunger disasters. For the towns of Jabaliya, Beit Hanoun and Beit Lahia in Nordgaza, “Fews Net” has raised an alarm in its new neighborhoods: bald people are not up to it the second time around and men are hungry. This attack must be carried out quickly against Israel’s blockade of Nordgaza from October.

The Krieg in Nordgaza

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The outbreak of the Gaza war against Hamas against Israel took place on October 7, 2023, between 1,200 men and 254 dead. Either he attacks Israel in the Gaza Strip to create the radical Islamist terrorist organization Krieg.

The Northern War of Gazastreifens zu Beginn des Krieges ein Hauptziel Israels: Hunderttausende von Menschen flüchteten in den Süden. Israel designated a monat at the start of the war, with Hamas under siege in Nordgaza. Since October 2024, the Israeli army has been heading towards Nordgaza and Hamas takes up the defense of Israeli Angaben upon its arrival. Among other things, the UN and the United States have ensured that Israel is embarking on the sener blockade and strengthening its security. It is clear that many men are now in Nordgaza.

What is the Bericht zurückgezogen?

The US-Botschafter zu Israel, Jacob Lew, obtained the official note of the Bericht. This is the United States Development Finance Organization USAID, which is the federal department of finance of the United States. That said, the Bericht der international anerkannten Organization Fews Net base auf bereits veralteten Daten et werde der sich rasch verändernden Situation in Nordgaza nicht gerecht. Einige Hilfswerke äusserten sich besorgt über die Rücknahme der Hungersnot-Warnung.

Mann and Kind sitzen auf altem Kühlschrank im Freien.
Legend :

The humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip is dramatic. An original image is not up to par, but the description of the device is as follows.

IMAGO/Majdi Fathi

Is this Bericht not legitimate or is it not legitimate?

Gleich eingangs zum Bericht schreibt die Organization self, dass sie, im Gegensatz zu anderen Weltgegenden, niemanden vort im Gazastreifen hat. Practical work, which takes place in other areas of the Gaza Strip conflicts, has already taken place at the beginning of the Gaza Strip crises to prevent hunger. The UN was announced on December 24: Israel had on December 48, 52 the UN humanitarian mission in favor of coordination. Israel is committed to saying that Lastwagen is on its way to Nordgaza, and the UN and other transport factories are nearby, this vehicle is at your disposal. Was you able to say that: Old men are still in Nordgaza before you find them. If that’s 95,000, who is the UNO schreibt, or else? The last thing is that it is not possible to verify.

Warum weiss man nicht genau, who is also in Nordgaza?

Einerseits, weil Israel keine Journalistinnen et Journalisten aus dem Gazastreifen berichten lässt. In October, Israel is in power, according to the Al-Jazeera journalist, who is now in Nordgaza, alongside Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and who is also a journalist. Al Jazeera – the Arab broadcaster, Katar’s financier – is verboten in Israel. Satellite transport is the massive source of information about Nordgaza which is going very well, but this time it is not possible to do it, as old people find themselves once again.

Do macht Fews Net mit dem zurückgezogenen Bericht?

The organization will be den Bericht nun überarbeiten et im Januar neu herausgeben.