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Damascus warned against Iran: Israeli bands speak in Syria for Syria

Damascus warned against Iran: Israeli bands speak in Syria for Syria

Damascus warned Iran
Israeli Verbände dringen tiefer en Syrian vor

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When the Assad regime fell, Israeli soldiers entered the Pufferzone and the Syrian Grenze. Business law firms have the opportunity to address bands no longer in the Landesinnere vor. This is the extent of the two regions of the Damascus region and Iran.

Israeli troops are stationed by the Pufferzone above the Golan Mountains and other Punkten are located in the Syrian country. The Syrian Men’s Orientation Organization has the right to close, and it can be found in other organizations in Kunitra province on the Syrian Golanhöhen page. Die Truppen seien teilweise sieben Kilometer weiter auf syrisches Gebiet vorgerückt, hieß es in dem Bericht. Genannt wurden sous anderem die Ortschaften Swissa et Kussaiba en Syria.

The Israeli army is located in the Anfrage mit, ihre Streitkräfte seien “in South Syria in the Einsatz, in the inner area of ​​the Pufferzone and in the strategic Punkten”. Ziel sei es, die Einwohner des Israelischen Nordens zu beschützen. For product safety, you must ensure that they have no standort.

“Es ist noch zu früh, um über die Zukunft Syrians zu urteilen”

The Israeli army is waging war against the United States in the Nachbarland in the Pufferzone of Syria auf den Golanhöhen eingedrungen et erwägt offenbar a long fristige Control of Gebiets. The soldiers went to a location where the armed forces were located in 1974 under UN surveillance. Das Gebiet diesseits der Waffenstillstandslinie hatte Israel im Sechstagekrieg 1967 erobert et 1981 einseitig annektiert.

Syrian government deputy minister Asaad Hassan al-Schaibani told Iran that “chaos in Syria should be declared.” Tehran says that “the will of the Syrian people and the sovereignty and security of the Landes are respected”, written on the X platform. Iran is also guarantor of the “consequence of young entrepreneurs”, written by the Austrian Minister of regulation of public affairs. Syria under the command of the Islamist group Haiat Tahrir al-Scham (HTS) zudem.

Al-Schaibani was guilty of insulting the Iranian President Ajatollah Ali Chamenei. This has been designed and it is possible to find vehicles in Syria with a wide range of Syrern measures to create the new structures of the country. Iranian Deputy Minister Abbas Araghtschi said: “It is today that I come, a little further than the Zukunft Syrians zu urteilen, denn viele Faktoren können die politische Lage dort noch erheblich beeinflussen”. Dies gelte für alle Seiten, et deshalb sollten sich auch diejenigen, “die sich derzeit als sichere sieger fühlen”, nicht zu früh freuen, erklärte der iranische chefdiplomat laut der Nachrichtenagentur Isna.